Production is in full swing
Wifi control
Rotate left or right up-to 180 deg
Speed up slow down or stop the feed on the move
self loading
Adjust the spread on the move
Any size bale round or square
Now the proud owner of foster scrapers

recycling Scrapers made to your own spec
ring for a chat to talk about your requirments
Welcome to Straw Spreader
Straw Spreader Ltd manufactures all of its products in the UK and is proud to support british manufacturing.
Straw Spreader manufactures a first in the world for a bedding machine called the Multi, this machine has been designed around what the customers have asked for, it has a first in the market true WiFi hydraulic control system, the machine is compact, capable of handling square or round bales of any size, will rotate , spread straw , feed haylage and is self loading. This machine is perfect for any size of building small awkward stables or large open plan sheds. If you have two farms and need to use the Multi on both sites because there is no hard wiring down the boom , you can take it to the other farm and simply attach the multi and plug the control box into a 12v power source and your ready for work, no costly wiring up of different tractors or loaders.
Straw spreader has recently acquired the sole rights to sell and manufacture the Fosters yard scraper range, this range of machines is already renowned in the industry for quality and reliability , these machines can be used on three point linkage or on a tele-handler or loader , we also make scrapers for recycling and industrial applications.